Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

The answer is...YES!!!!
Yesterday Kacee got her hearing aid. It's not really a hearing aid though; it is a bone anchored hearing system. It is worn on an elastic headband and sends the sound waves through the skull bone to the small ear bones. This allows her to hear just like everyone else. She is so excited to be hearing. When she hears a new noise, she points at her hearing aid and then whatever is making the noise. She woke up this morning and pointed to her ears indicating she wanted to wear it. The picture above is Kacee and mom at the doctor's office when they turned on the unit and mom was talking to her. The pictures below are Kacee wearing the headband and hearing aid today. You can see that the black headband blends in with her hair and is even covered by part of it. The picture with the side view shows her hearing aid. It is about the size of a small bluetooth phone. The small wire is attached to the hearing aid and a clip witch attaches to her shirt in case she knocks it loose from the headband.


Tiffany said...

What great news! The smile on her face says it all:)

Donna said...

Fantastic news!