Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

This year, as you may know, was our first Easter as a family of six. Incredible! (And to think next year, there'll be seven of us!) After waking up (a little early for me, *yawn-yawn*) and going through our easter basket and hunting/opening/going through eggs and candy, we went to our church, where Kylie and Keaton performed in the choir, and my youth group's Drama ministry and I did a skit. Then we went to my grandma's house for lunch and another egg-hunt. Cool. I hope you enjoy a few of our Easter pics.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

JuMpInG fOr JoY

jumping joy

A few minutes ago, we got some updates in the mail from our agency about Karli. She is 30 inches tall, and she weighs 20 pounds--about the same as Kenzie. She has 16 teeth, and the sie of hear feet are 12 cm. We got 6 pictures--they're so cute--and in two weeks, the social worker will have our homestudy ready. We're working on putting together our dossier, and will hopefully have it in the mail soon. :-D

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playroom and Bedroom Photos

Hey, here are some pics of the girls' room. The first one is actually of one of our playrooms, just so you can get a feel of how many toys we have, and the other two are of their bedrooom. (We recently moved me & Kylie together, that way they [Kenzie & Karli] could share.) The actual bed is Karli's, and the crib is Kenzie's. As I said in Kenzie's blog, a long time ago, (like in '05 or '06) Kylie chose the theme Carebears, so Carebears it is. :-D

the playroom
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me

the girls' bedroom 2
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me

the girls' bedroom 1
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me

Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Picture!

Bubbles go "Pop-Pop"
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me
Kenzie here, playing with some bubbles with Keaton. We actually have several photos of these, and this isn't the best, but the others wouldn't load. Doesn't she look cute?