Friday, December 10, 2010

A Ride With Santa

Last night, we went to a free Christmas celebration at a shopping center near our house. There were carriage rides, refreshments, and Santa. Our girls were so lucky. Santa walked up to them right before we got into the carriage and visited with them. Then he decided to ride with us around the parking lot. The girls were so thrilled to sit next to Santa and talk to him.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa :-)

The girls went to see Santa this afternoon.  We thought that Kacee might cry when she sat in his lap, but she just walked up to him and climbed on up.  She had seen Karli and Kenzie do it, so she just did it too.  As a matter of fact, the only time she cried was when she had to get out of his lap for the next family. Enjoy the pictures!!!

Karli's 2 Year Family Day

Today has been 2 years since Karli has joined our family. It was definitely rough at first, but has gotten better every day. Kenzie and Karli are best friends and play together constantly. Here are two pictures of Karli on her Gotcha Day and one from last week.  She sure has changed a lot.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kenzie's 4th Birthday

Kenzie turned 4 yesterday. We had a family party today and invited one close friend. She picked a Scooby Doo theme for her party and was so excited to be the center of attention. Here are some pictures of the day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Catching Up...

It is so hard to keep this blog going with everything else going on these past few months. Here are some highlights of the past month.

*Kylie and Kenzie finished their soccer season. Both of their teams did a great job.

* Kayla won 4th place in an invitational UIL meet. She participated in the Ready Writing event where she was given a quote by JFK and had to analyze it and write an essay telling its meaning.

*Keaton sold a lot of popcorn for Boy Scouts and won one of the top prizes for our Pack.

* We celebrated Thanksgiving in Alto, Texas with dad's parents. While we were there, we rode the Polar Express and saw Satnta at the North Pole.

* Kenzie and Karli went to Disney Princesses on Ice with dad.

* Kayla went to 2 concerts - Barlow Girl and Toby Mac.

* Kylie was chosen by her school to represent her Student Council in Austin.