Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Everyone started back to school today. Kayla is in 11th grade, Kylie is in 7th, Keaton is in 5th, Karli is in Kindergraten, and Kacee is in preschool for auditory intervention. Kenzie will be going to Mother's Day Out in a few weeks. Here are some pictures of Karli and Kacee before school this morning.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Keaton - Fencing Class

Our home school group is starting a fencing class. Keaton went this morning and tried it out. He enjoyed it very much. The pictures were taken with a cell phone camera so the quality is not that great.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guess What?

Kylie - Surgery

Kylie had out-patient surgery today. We have been concerned for a couple of weeks because she has been breathing loudly and sounds like her nose is stuffy. We took her to the doctor and found out that her right nasal passage and sinus cavity is blocked by a polyp. Today's surgery removed the polyp. Here are some pictures of her before she was wheeled into the operating room and one gross one of the polyp after the removal. (It was huge - about the size of your index finger.)