Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blog Post From Mom in China #6 -Safari Ride

Today we went to the Xiangjiang Safari Park.  We went by ourselves without a guide.  The doorman at the hotel put us in a taxi and told the driver where to go.  After about a 30 minute ride, we arrived at the safari park.  Luckily, some of the employees spoke English and told us where to pay and where to catch the safari tram.  We went on the first tram through the animal safari.  Kacee loved seeing all of the animals.  She pointed at all of them.  The tram ride lasted 45 minutes and we saw lots of animals:  deer, elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, white tigers, rhinos, hippos, camels, and lots of others.  It was great.  After the safari ride, we walked through the rest of the park.  We paid 10 RMB to feed the giraffe.  We paid to hold a baby white tiger.  We saw koalas and lots of other animals.  However, the best part was seeing the panda bears.  This is my third trip to China, and the first time I've seen the panda bears.  After the safari park, we took an "illegal" taxi back to the hotel and paid double the price for the ride back than we paid to get there.  Tomorrow we go back to the medical office to get Kacee's TB test read.  

1 comment:

Donna said...

Congratulations on your new sister!!! She has a great family. Hope the trip home went smoothly and you are all enjoying getting acquainted.
Donna N