Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dossier To China!

Well, we've been pretty busy recently (with my mom's Girl Scout camp, and VBS, adn volunteering and all), but I thought it would be good to let you all know that our dossier was sent to China. Which means that now...WE WAIT. All of our paperwork has been sent to China, so now nothing is dependent on us, we're just waiting for China to do their part. (Can't they hurry?!) So, yep. Also, on Saturday Kenzie will have been with us an equal number of days that she was without us, and on Sunday, she would've been with us for more of her life than without. Wow...WHERE THE HECK DID THE TIME GO?!?!?!?! Lol. It's been amazing...Well, I have to go for now. Keep checking our blog and following our journey to Karli!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on reaching two such amazing milestones! It is so wonderful to know Kenzie has been with you longer than she was without you. (MeiLin still has a few more months) And I'm sure it's a huge relief to your family that paperchase #2 is finished and Karli's dossier is headed to China.

Rebecca :)