Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Dedication...Coming up!

So, Mother's Day (I'm really unaware of the actual date of Mother's Day at the moment, but it's the second Sunday in May) is the day our church (Berean Baptist Church) is holding their baby dedication service, and for the first time in a while, we can actually "dedicate" a baby in our family...Kenzie! We have also been hunting for a dress for her to wear. And, so, yeah, anyway, we will be dedicating Kenzie to the Lord, and we'll be posting pictures. We can't wait!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Home Study!

Our home study is done, and we are waiting for it to be in the mail. One step closer to Karli. Yay!*

*My mom told me to "explain a little better what PA means." So, I am going to try to give you my definition of it...(which may not be the best, because I'm not too familiar with it myself.) Well, PA (in case you're unaware of what the P and A in PA stands for, it's Pending Approval). Anyway, it doesn't really mean anything. Mostly it just means that China looked over our paperwork that we sent, and they pre-approved us (according to the information on the paperwork that we sent), and as long as our dossier fits their guidelines, then we are approved to adopt Karli.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Attention, people: *clears throat*....(wait for it...) - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Okay, so we got a call from someone (as sad as it is, I really don't know who, but I'm guessing she's with the agency...?) and she informed us that we have PA (Pending Approval). Just to let you know, we are no longer waiting for it; we have it. :-D

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Pics (playin' in the sand at baseball)

Playin' in the Sand
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me

Sand & Stroller
Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me

Originally uploaded by fabguitarz4me


Hey, everyone. Sorry I haven't been on here since Easter, but we've been busy (or maybe I'm too lazy) but anyway, I'm back now. Since Easter...
-we've had termites, resulting in having to put new paneling on a little bit of the wall in our living room and front room, and getting new wood flooring in our entry way

-Kylie's birthday (April 14) and birthday party (April 5) have both happened

-Kenzie got more shots at the doctor

-I got a shot, too :-(

-the sports season is coming to an end

-we are working on getting a photo album together to send to Karli, in her orphanage, in Wuxi

-we went to the Space Center...again (I may have pics on here, but I may not)

-and we're getting our paperwork together

That's pretty much it. Just a quick update, and I'm working on posting some photos and maybe a new video soon. :-D