Thursday, September 16, 2010

Three Years Ago Today...

We walked into a hot room on a Sunday afternoon to be united with the sixth member of our family.  Kenzie was 9.5 months old and everything we had ever dreamed she would be.  She fit into our family perfectly as only God could have known.  Every day that we were waiting to meet her we wondered what she would be like and prayed to God for his protection over her.  Below is a picture of Kenzie the day we met her.
Here are some pictures taken last night of Kenzie. It is usually very hard to get her to stay still long enough to snap a good picture, but I did manage to get a few decent ones.
Just for comparison, here are 2 pictures taken a few weeks after we returned home from China in the Fall of 2007 taken at the same soccer fields.
Here are some pictures of all three "Littles" together.
And even though this post is celebrating Kenzie, here a re some pictures of Karli and Kacee - just because.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hard to believe it has been three years already....what a special day to remember. I love Kenzie's smile so big and happy!